Colloquium Log:

Junling Zhuang

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Log 1: The affordances of affordance-filled chat

Different rules for describing yourself will shape our communication methods.

The real-name system

The system makes the people who take part in the dialogue of the behavior of the more limited, because in such a small community of people might know each other, not only in the online chat, may be meet in offline, so will consider many factors, such as personal appearance, interpersonal relationships, etc., but may also be more active, because we all know each other, have the same topic, Whether this restriction and high activity occurs depends on the situation and the community.

The anonymity system

I think people hide behind anonymity and they feel like they can say whatever they want behindclosed doors,Anonymity dialogue let itself is full of infinite possibility, also unpredictable effects on people, in some situations may you don't know each other, so that the dialogue activity may be lacking, but also there is another possibility, we know each other, not in real life instead of limiting factor to speak freely, At the same time, people from different regions, cultures and backgrounds are also likely to give rise to an infinite spark of thinking

Customized visual communication mode

People are more willing to use and communicate

You can customize their own communication font, color, such as element (as opposed to the traditional communication platform only provides limited choice), in addition to the text itself, font, color, background frame, the mouse that interactive button design elements such as the transfer medium of personal traits and ideas, stimulate the interest to guide people to communicate more and diverse.

People are more likely to be noticed, people are more likely to respond

Glitch Chat's customised styling makes it easier for people to notice what they say, further making it easier for people to respond, as opposed to normal, modular fonts and backgrounds, or even web layout

Log 2: WaltherDance

(Videos can also be embedded; this is an example. On a YouTube page, Click on the 'Share' link under the video to get the embed code!)

// log3:gh-recipe different input=different output abstract problems to theree proccess frank gerli first digital project tensile membrane structs extrude tranform 2D drawing to 3D modeling(from plan to modeling) Record construction history slider drag the slider you can control a system(like high of building or area of the buildings ) drag the silder you can compare the input and output so that you can choose better input value(you do not need to repeat the maunal proccess agagin and again) display moudel it offers more possible for gh to become a visual design sorfware rahter than just paremetre design display mode I like this component very much, you can set differetnt dispaly mode so that you can draw different style drawing,like line drawing, render and so on. I think if there any possible for developer to design an share platform, users can up log4 7.18 smell you rember: food environment log5 7.21 persona A chef has a specific process for processing ingredients, A tidying enthusiast wants to keep things organized,beacuse the limited storage space,So every time he buys something new he has to adjust the mix of items to minimize the amount of storage